
you do need a jacket based on the weather in Satsuma, AL, USA 1 second ago

Why? Because it's cold enough that makes you wish you had a hat, but you're still too proud to admit it and it's so windy, your hat is now someone else's problem, two cities away!
46°F8°C & Partly Cloudy

Wind is 10 mph16 km/h from the North, gusting to 25 mph41 km/h
February 14
1am46°F8°C10 mph16 km/h NortheastMostly Clear
2am45°F7°C10 mph16 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
3am44°F7°C10 mph16 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
4am43°F6°C10 mph16 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
5am43°F6°C9 mph15 km/h NortheastMostly Clear
6am42°F6°C9 mph15 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
7am42°F6°C9 mph14 km/h NortheastMostly Clear
8am42°F6°C8 mph13 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
9am45°F7°C8 mph14 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
10am49°F9°C9 mph14 km/h NortheastPartly Cloudy
11am54°F12°C8 mph13 km/h NortheastMostly Clear
12pm59°F15°C7 mph11 km/h EastMostly Clear
February 1346°F8°C72°F22°C12 mph19 km/h from NorthPartly CloudyMostly Clear
February 1442°F5°C67°F20°C6 mph10 km/h from EastPartly CloudyCloudy
February 1559°F15°C76°F25°C13 mph20 km/h from SouthMostly CloudyThunderstorms
February 1644°F7°C69°F20°C12 mph19 km/h from NorthwestMostly ClearMostly Clear
February 1737°F3°C57°F14°C7 mph10 km/h from NorthClearMostly Clear
February 1838°F4°C61°F16°C5 mph8 km/h from NortheastMostly CloudyRain
February 1943°F6°C53°F12°C9 mph15 km/h from NorthRainMostly Cloudy


Low of 42°F6°C, High of 67°F20°C
Wind: 6 mph10 km/h
Precipitation: None

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