
you do need a jacket based on the weather in Jerusalem, Israel 1 second ago

Why? Because the cold's there, but it's just a reminder, not an invasion!
44°F7°C & Mostly Cloudy

Wind is 1 mph1 km/h from the Southwest, gusting to 4 mph7 km/h
February 14
1am44°F7°C1 mph2 km/h SouthwestMostly Cloudy
2am47°F8°C1 mph2 km/h NorthwestMostly Cloudy
3am48°F9°C2 mph3 km/h NorthMostly Cloudy
4am50°F10°C2 mph4 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
5am52°F11°C3 mph4 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
6am53°F12°C3 mph5 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
7am54°F12°C3 mph5 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
8am53°F12°C3 mph6 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
9am53°F12°C3 mph5 km/h NortheastMostly Cloudy
10am51°F11°C2 mph4 km/h NortheastMostly Clear
11am49°F9°C2 mph4 km/h NortheastClear
12pm47°F8°C2 mph4 km/h NortheastClear
February 1340°F4°C54°F12°C2 mph4 km/h from NortheastMostly CloudyClear
February 1444°F7°C59°F15°C7 mph11 km/h from EastMostly ClearClear
February 1545°F7°C57°F14°C5 mph8 km/h from WestMostly ClearClear
February 1644°F7°C59°F15°C3 mph5 km/h from SoutheastMostly ClearMostly Clear
February 1744°F7°C59°F15°C3 mph5 km/h from NorthwestClearMostly Cloudy
February 1845°F7°C58°F14°C6 mph9 km/h from WestMostly CloudyMostly Cloudy
February 1942°F5°C48°F9°C19 mph30 km/h from WestDrizzleMostly Cloudy


Low of 44°F7°C, High of 59°F15°C
Wind: 7 mph11 km/h
Precipitation: None

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